9 Reasons To Start an Exercise Training Program

start a strength training program

Starting a strength training program can be difficult. And it can be intimidating. But these beginner workout tips will help you though those first few days. The reality is that most people that get started find it hard to stay motivated and incorporate it into their regular routine. First off, the key to getting started … Read more

A Look At Our Impact On The World: Are We Helping Or Hurting?

factory and pollution

Here at Nature Made Cures, there is a massive emphasis on nature. While many people look at society as separate from the natural world, the reality is that it is all one. Scientists have classified life into 6 kingdoms.  The first signs of life were single-celled organisms called archaebacteria and eubacteria. Then came protists, followed … Read more

The 5 best essential oil recipes

5 best essential oil recipes

Essential oil recipes are great for combining the benefits of different essential oils. And the great thing is that there are so many different uses and ways to use them! We have compiled a list of our five favorite essential oil recipes that you can use here. Contents 1. Natural Insect Repellent 8 drops Tea … Read more

What Are Lentils and How To Cook Them

dried red lentils

Contents What are Lentils? A common question that is often asked is “What are lentils?”. Lentils are an edible plant that is part of the legume family. They are typically purchased in a dry form and are either sold whole or in split form. The split lentils are typically dehulled first. Although they are often … Read more